Sandaracopi~naric acid has been shown to be 7-epipimara-8(14),18-dienoic acid (II), and Ukita's acid to be T-epi-13p-pin1ara-9(14),18-dienoic acid (VI). A hydroxyl-containing acid from Sandarac resin is described.Sandaracopimaric acid was isolated by Henry (1) and by Tschirch and Wolff (2) from the resin of the N. African sandarac tree (Callitris qz~adrivalvis). Recently an improved isolation procedure was described by Petru and Galilc ( 3 ) , who also demonstrated that the acid belonged to the pi~naric group. They claimed (4) that both pimaric acid and sandaracopilnaric acid gave the sanle partial dehydrogenatio~l product I and hence had the sanle configuration at C-7. Even if this conclusion had been correct their xvorlc left the location of the double bond and the stereoche~nistry a t the other a s y~n~n e t r i c centers unlcnown. I n continuance of our interest in the stereochemistry of the pi~naric acids3 we have examined sandaracopirnaric acid, and proved it to be the C-7 epi~ner (11) of pimaric acid (7-epipimara-8(14) ,18-dienoic acid) .4Using the ~nethocl of Petru and Galilc (3) we obtained an ether-soluble anlrnoniu~n salt fro111 the resin. This was co~lverted into the sodium salt, which was then precipitated from its aqueous solution by addition of concentrated sodium hydroxide solution. The precipitate did not crystallize readily, so the acids liberated from it were chromatographed on silica gel. In this way a 2.2% yield of sandaracopimaric acid and a 1.3% yield of a higher ~nelting acid were obtained. The latter had m.p. 270" and [a],, -11" in ethanol.\