The genotoxicity of 10 essential oil constituents was evaluated using the Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen) somatic mutation and recombination test, also known as the wing spot test, in the frame of a screening project aiming at evaluating the mutagenic activity of widely used substances, natural or not. Of the compounds that we tested here, L-carveol, dihydrocarveol, (+)-dihydrocarvone, (À)-fenchone and (À)-carvyl acetate did not exhibit any mutagenic or recombinogenic activity, whereas (AE)-linalool, S-(+)-carvone and S-(À)-limonene gave inconclusive results. In contrast, a-phellandrene and R-(À)-carvone significantly increased the frequency of mutant spots when compared with the negative control, suggesting mutagenic activity even at the lowest concentration used (1.5ml/ml). Moreover, these data clearly demonstrate differences in activity between stereoisomers such as S-(+)-and R-(À)-carvone. Given that a-phellandrene and R-(À)-carvone are widely used compounds, further research is needed in order to have a better understanding of their activity and a clearer picture of their genotoxicity in order to decide whether they should remain or not in the lists of compounds that are safe to use. Copyright