A high level controlled electrochemical metal plating of the homogeneous, uniform, and adhesive Ni-Co nano-/microlayer on an Fe microparticle powder substrate in the stirred heterogeneous system ͑SHS͒ is reported. The influence of the volume fraction of suspended powder particles on the partial current efficiency of the electrolytic coating process is evaluated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The role of both the solid Fe powder microparticles and the electrochemical deposition of binary coating on the particle surface of the charge-transfer mechanism through SHS is discussed. The equivalent circuit on the porous electrode model is proposed and, adopting this approach, some calculations and simulations of the experimental data are done. The optimal volume fraction of solid particles in the charge transfer of our SHS is suggested. The formation of permanent aggregates of powder microparticles during the electrolysis is proved. Scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy are used to characterize the coating on the microparticle surface.Electrochemical techniques are frequently used for the industrial production of metallic coatings of various compositions and properties. The aim is to improve the service life and to widen the application of standard materials as well as the preparation of materials with unusual properties. In the optimal case, every particle of the powder is coated by the plating metal͑s͒, thus ensuring a high homogeneity of the final product. Perfect homogeneity, uniformity, evenness, adhesiveness of the metallic coating of the product, and a high level of control in the overall process are the main advantages of electrochemical metal plating of the powder substrate in both the fluidized bed electrodes ͑FBEs͒ and the stirred heterogeneous system ͑SHS͒. 1,2Solid metalized or metallic particles may be dispersed either by a vertical flow of the electrolyte ͑in FBE͒ 3 or by a mechanical stirring of the electrolyte ͑in SHS͒. 4 The dispersed particles intermittently come into contact with a solid electrode to be charged and thereby coated with a metallic layer. This electrochemical reactor system possesses various advantages, in particular, a significantly larger reaction area and enhanced mass transport.Considerable attention has been paid to the FBE research. Several authors have studied and modeled in detail the charge and mass transfer through such beds. 5-10 However, few research groups describe the charge transfer and electrochemical plating mechanism in SHS. [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] In the present work SHS was used. In our laboratories, research has been done on the electrochemical deposition of one-component Ni and Cu coatings and binary Ni-based ͑Ni-Cu, Ni-Co͒ coatings on Fe powder materials. [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18]20 Serious interest is still devoted to the investigation of electrodeposition of iron group metals because of their interesting mechanical and magnetic prope...