Theories of breakup and fusion of two-body projectiles are examined, to see how complete and incomplete fusion may be predicted separately. A proposal is made for an 'optical decoherence model' which uses semigroup evolution equations to describe the decoherence effects of the imaginary parts of optical potentials without also losing flux. §1. Fusion and irreversibilityThe fusion of two nuclei around the Coulomb barrier provides a fascinating testing ground for theories of quantum tunneling leading to an irreversible fusion of the nuclei into a compound nucleus. In the fusion of a halo nuclei with a stable target, the breakup of the halo can occur before or during the tunneling process, leading to a competition between fusion and breakup, both of which remove flux from the elastic channel.It is clear that compound nucleus formation is almost certainly irreversible, since the compound nucleus is very unlikely to decay to exactly the entrance channel, but considerable debate exists concerning the irreversibility (or otherwise) of breakup. We might think, because of the large phase space available for breakup, that it should not be reversible for the same reasons as for fusion. Another way of saying this is that there should be a loss of phase coherence between some sets of channels: a decoherence between the initial elastic and final breakup channels. Yet another standpoint is that breakup might deplete flux from the elastic channel, generating an effective absorptive component of the optical potential that is much larger than any real polarisation potential. This is true for fusion channels, we agree, but still we wish to solve an explicit few-body dynamical model to calculate the effects of breakup.The subject of decoherence is of wide interest in the foundations of quantum mechanics. It is generally accepted, in what is now called the Decoherent Histories approach, 1) that decoherence arises from couplings to the many degrees of freedom in the environment of a quantum system. While decoherence might not occur exactly in strict quantum mechanics without 'observations', many systems evolve over time into superpositions of states that are decoherent for all practical purposes. In halo fusion, we accept that the fusion channels definitely act like such an environment, but debate whether breakup channels are also an environment to induce decoherence in this sense.A completely microscopic model of the interaction between a two-body halo projectile with a target should ideally begin with real-valued (effective) interactions