Let m(G) be the infimum of the volumes of all open subgroups of a unimodular locally compact group G. Suppose integrable functions φ1, φ2 : G → [0, 1] satisfy φ1 ≤ φ2 and φ1 + φ2 ≤ m(G), where • denotes the L 1 -norm with respect to a Haar measure dg on G. We have the following inequality for any convex function f :As a corollary, we have a slightly stronger version of Brunn-Minkowski-Kemperman inequality. That is, we havefor any non-null measurable sets B1, B2 ⊂ G with vol(B1) + vol(B2) ≤ m(G), where vol * denotes the inner measure and 1B the characteristic function of B.