The mechanisms of blocking ion channels of cell membranes are interesting from both theoretical and practical viewpoints; knowing these mechanisms is necessary for targeted selection of some therapeutic agents, as well local and general anesthetics. To date, many cell-membrane ion channels varying in functional characteristics have been described. Although ion channels are very diverse, they may be divided into two large classes-the cation-conducting and anionconductingchannels. If the density of fixed negative charges on the walls of the ion-conducting space of the channels is large enough, cation conduction may be accounted for by the so-called cation surface conduction, which must contribute much to the pore conduction, because cell ion channels are narrow. Neutralization of the negative charges fixed on the channel walls and, hence, partial or complete suppression of surface conduction must block the cation permeability of the ion channel.At present, it is generally believed that ion channels have special "portal" structures determining ion conduction or block of conduction. Change in ion conductivity is attributed to either a "mechanical" obstruction of the ion-conducting space of the pores or (which is more plausible) the appearance of an electric potential, local or spread throughout the pore. The results of a recent series of studies on nanometer pores in polymeric membranes [1-4] demonstrated that it was possible to detect discrete currents that were similar to the currents of single ion channels of cell membranes with respect to several characteristics, including a high cation selectivity. The model pores of synthetic membranes cannot be assumed to have special portal mechanisms capable of mechanically obstructing the conduction; however, conduction blockage in the form of the suppression of discrete currents may be accounted for by a decrease in the dominating surface conduction in the nanometer pore.The experimental data reported below, obtained with the use of a completely synthetic model of nanometer pores, demonstrate the possibility of such a blocking mechanism based on neutralizing the negative charges fixed on the pore surface. The ion-conductive space in calcium and sodium channels of cell membranes was demonstrated to be conical [5]. We used a system of nanometer pores in a polyethylene teraphthalate (PET) membrane as a model for proving the aforementioned notions on the mechanism of conduction block in cation-selective ion channels of cell membranes. To make nanometer pores, PET membranes 12 µ m in thickness were irradiated with heavy ions, such as xenon, krypton, and gold ones, with energies about 250 MeV by means of a linear accelerator in the Institute of GSI (The Society for Studying Heavy Ions) (Darmstadt, Germany). The resultant tracks were then etched with alkaline solutions. The formation of a single pore in PET membranes differed from the formation of multiple pores. A single track was formed if the membrane was so irradiated that the flow of heavy ions deviated when the passage dete...