Fig. 1. One series of galvannealed samples after stretching.
Strain Distribution ProfilesThe major and minor diameters of the ellipses in the longitudinal direction and the corresponding distances of the ellipses from the pole were measured. From these data, strain distribution profiles were drawn by plotting the distance from the pole on the abscissa and the corresponding major and minor strains on the ordinate.
FractographyThe fractured surfaces were studied using a scanning electron microscopy. The specimens were cut close to the region of the fracture. The fracture cross sections were cleaned with alcohol before study. The nature of fracture was analyzed from the features of the fracture to study the relationship between the features and the formability parameters.
Results and Discussion
Coating LayersThe experimental results of galvanized coating microstructure examined using SEM, EDS semi-quantity analysis, XRD patterns, and liner analysis of coating sections revealed that the coating microstructure consisted of z (Zn-4.2%Fe) and h (Zn-1.1%Fe) layers on steel surface (Fig 2(a)). The surface of the galvanized samples had shiny spangles but then changed to matt with no spangles. Figures 2(b), 2(c) show the section and the microstructure of galvanized samples and those annealed at 520°C and for varying durations. The apparent surface of coating at 120 s was silvery and bright without spangles but at 135 s, it turned gray and matt. Considering EDS semi-quantity analysis and XRD patterns, the galvannealed coating at 120 s consisted of G, d, z, and h layers while at 135 s, it only contained G and d layers. It can be seen in Fig. 2(c) that cracks initiated and propagated along the d phase.
FLDs of the SteelsThe formability limit diagrams for the galvanized and galvannealed steels under investigation are presented in Fig. 3. The diagrams are similar in shape (V-shaped). The vertical and horizontal axes in these diagrams represent the percentages of maximum strain and minimum strain, respectively. The strains were measured for the necked ellipses and around the fracture area. That is why the forming limit diagrams were drawn under the obtained points.On the FLDs, the regions corresponding to the negative minor strain (tension-compression region) and the positive minor strain (tension-tension region) are not symmetrical. Thus, in the tension-compression region, the slope of the forming limit curve is higher and the safe zone is wider than those of the tension-tension region. It is clear from Fig. 3 that the level of forming limit diagrams and the major strains decrease with increasing heat treatment time at a constant temperature. The lowest limit strain of a FLD, which corresponds to 0 % minor strain, is known as the plain strain (FLD 0 ). Since failure appearing in cold-formed parts under pressed conditions often occurs in this state, the value for FLD 0 represents the most critical strain state on the FLD. High values of FLD 0 mean better formability.
18)FLD 0 values for galvanized and annealed samples are pre...