“…As mentioned in Kompas, the funeral of a nurse from RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang, was rejected by residents to be buried at the Sewakul Public Cemetery (TPU Sewakul) at RT 06 West Ungaran, Semarang Regency (Lotulung, 2020). Moreover, a paper writed by Casman, et al, reported that there were over 500 cases in rejection of funeral Covid-19 patients (Casman, Kurniawan, Wijoyo, & Pradana, 2020). Those cases, included; 223 headlines from detik.com, 77 headlines from okezones.com, 127 headlines from viva.co.id, 119 headlines from kompas.com and 14 headlines from other media (Casman et al, 2020).…”