Temperature dependencies of microwave surface impedance, Z s (T, ω) = R s (T, ω) + iX s (T, ω), were measured for perfect c-oriented YBCO thin films deposited on CeO 2 -buffered sapphire substrates. The measurements were performed with a use of three copper cylindrical resonators operating at H 011 mode (f = 34, 65, 134 GHz), which incorporated the studied YBCO films as end plates.The measurements revealed a distinct two-peak structure of R s (T ) and X s (T ) dependencies with peaks at 28-30 K and 50 K. The peaks become smeared at higher frequencies as well as in applied dc magnetic field (∼ 1 kOe), while the peak positions remain almost unchanged. For less perfect, e.g., PLD films, R s (T ) and X s (T ) dependencies are monotonous (power law). The two-peak Z s (T ) dependencies for YBCO films differ from those for high quality YBCO single crystals, where only one much broader frequency-dependent peak of R s (T ) was detected earlier. The two-peak Z s (T ) behavior is believed to be an intrinsic electron property of extremely perfect quasi-single-crystalline YBCO films. A theoretical model is suggested to explain the observed anomalous Z s (T ) behavior.The model is based on the Boltzman kinetic equation for quasiparticles in layered HTS cuprates. It takes into account the supposed s+d-wave symmetry of electron pairing and strong energy dependent relaxation time of quasiparticles, determined mainly by their elastic scattering on extended defects parallel to the c-axis (e.g., c-oriented dislocations and twin boundaries).