The nature and heterogeneity of modern workloads force hardware designers to choose between general-purpose processors, which come with superior flexibility, and highlytailored accelerators that boost performance and power efficiency at the cost of extreme specialization. One of the most promising solutions that couple the flexibility of a processor with the performance and efficiency of an accelerator is the vector processor architecture. Since RISC-V has only recently frozen its vector ISA extension, no open-source RISC-V-based vector processor has been fabricated and characterized. This brief presents the Yun SoC, featuring the first implementation of an open-source RISC-V-based vector processor in TSMC's 65-nm technology. Our efficient 4-lane design achieves almost peak theoretical performance on large matrix multiplication problems with an FPU utilization of almost 90%. Yun, with a critical path of 30 FO4 inverter delays, achieves a peak performance of 2.83 GFLOPSDP (at 400 MHz and 1.5 V), a leading-edge area efficiency of 3 GFLOP SP /cycle/MGE, and a peak energy efficiency of 10.8 GFLOPSDP/W (at 100 MHz and 0.85 V). Yun supports integer (64-bit, 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit) and floating-point (64-bit and 32-bit) SIMD data formats, as required by ML and data analytics workloads.