For active-matrix LCDs [1] that have thousands of buffer amplifiers integrated in its column-driver ICs, ultra-low power and area circuit solutions are continuously urged to meet the market pressure on cost, image quality and display size. Multi-stage amplifiers have dominated those buffers due to their reliable DC gain, output swing, gain-bandwidth product (GBW) and slew rate (SR). Yet, different kinds of frequency compensation are also useful for stability, bottlenecking the capacitive-load (C L ) drivability, power and area efficiencies.Classical single-stage amplifiers were underused in those buffers due to their limited capability in most metrics despite being almost unconditionally stable at any C L and tiny in size. In view of this, it is beneficial to revisit the fundamental limits of single-stage amplifiers and deal with them differently. This paper introduces a nested-current-mirror (NCM) single-stage amplifier to advance its GBW-to-power/area efficiency and C L drivability beyond the multi-stage designs, while preserving a rail-to-rail output swing. The fabricated NCM amplifier demonstrates 33× higher GBW and 47dB higher DC gain than those of a typical differential-pair (DP) amplifier at equal power and area. By benchmarking with the recent three-stage amplifiers [2]-[4], this work improves FOM 1 [=GBW•C L /(Power•Area)] by >6.6×, and upholds a comparable FOM 2 [=SR•C L /(Power•Area)]. The C L drivability is >10× wider than [2]-[4], while avoiding the stability limit at the heavy-C L side. These results justify advanced single-stage amplifiers as a potential replacement for multi-stage designs in traditional (e.g. 100pF/m coaxial cable) and advanced (e.g. low temperature polysilicon LCD) buffer interfaces.Most single-stage amplifiers suffer from a tight tradeoff between power and performance. Telescopic amplifiers feature a GBW-to-power efficiency as high as that of the DP amplifier ( Fig. 17.2.1), but sacrifice output swing. Foldedcascode amplifiers partially surmount such a limit, but at the expense of power. For LCD column drivers, current-mirror amplifiers are favored for their rail-torail output swing, and extra design flexibility via adjusting the mirror ratio, K. A large K benefits most metrics (i.e., effective transconductance (G m,eff ), GBW and SR), but at the expense of noise and phase margin (PM). Yet, no matter how large K is, most metrics of the current-mirror amplifier still lag behind those of the DP amplifier.The basic principle of the NCM amplifier ( Fig. 17.2.1) is to subdivide a current mirror into a number of pieces with different ratios, and sequentially combine their outputs to concurrently advance G m,eff and output resistance (R out ) beyond those of the DP and current-mirror amplifiers. Specifically, by sharing the current I b2 (for the left-half side) with N divided differential-input transistors [(I 1 , M 1 ),(I 2 , M 2 )…(I N , M N )], their outputs can be combined via N nested current mirrors with ratios [(1:K 1 ),(1:K 2 )…(1:K N )]. Since M 1 -M N are located in the signa...