In terrestrial environments, tree-ring data are a critically important indicator of long-term climate and environmental variability, especially at mid latitudes. A distinguishing characteristic of tree-ring data amongst climate proxies is that they are well replicated, annually resolved, and absolutely dated through the process of crossdating, in which synchronous patterns induced by climate are matched among individuals of a given species and location (Douglass, 1941;Fritts, 1971;Glock & Pearson, 1937). By this method, growth irregularities such as false rings, micro-rings, or locally absent rings can be identified such that each increment in the data set is assigned its correct year of formation (Fritts, 1976). For live-collected samples, the year of collection anchors the absolute dating of the chronology. Where available, dead-collected material of unknown antiquity can be crossdated with one another and the live collected record. In doing so, chronologies can be generated that are much longer than the average individual lifespan for the species, in some cases spanning multiple millennia (e.g., Ferguson & Graybill, 1983;Pilcher et al., 1984). Such exact dating facilitates seamless integration of chronologies with one another and instrumental records (Briffa et al., 1996;Mann & Jones, 2003).Over the past two decades, this same crossdating technique has been applied to growth increments formed in the hard parts of marine organisms to reconstruct environmental variability prior to the start of instrumental records (Black et al., 2019). This approach has been especially successful with long-lived bivalves Arctica islandica and Glycymeris glycymeris in the North Atlantic, resulting in a network of continuous,