I am deeply grateful to my teacher Dr. Amin Ismail. You are my geophysical teacher, all what I achieved return back to you. My deep gratitude goes to the staff members and my teaching assistant friends at Geology Department at Helwan University. Special thanks to Dr. Yahia Alqazaz, Dr. Al Ibiary, and Dr. Mostafa Gharib to faciliate my paper work and helping me extending my study leave to finish my PhD studies at ITC. Special thanks go to my relatives and friends back home in Egypt. You have been always there via the WhatsApp and Facebook making me feel at home. My father and mother, thank you, I owe you everything. To my brother and sisters, thank you for the support through the whole journey. To my wife, thank you for your love and inspiration. It was a tough journey, I know, but the joy was having you beside me. To my daughter, Nour, thank you my tiny beautiful light.