The relationships among vascular geometry, hemodynamics, and plaque development in the coronary arteries are complex and not yet well understood. This paper reports a methodology for the quantitative analysis of in vivo coronary morphology and hemodynamics, with particular emphasis placed on the critical issues of image segmentation and the automated classification of disease severity. We were motivated by the observation that plaque more often developed at the inner curvature of a vessel, presumably due to the relatively lower wall shear stress at these locations. The presented studies are based on our validated methodology for the three-dimensional fusion of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and X-ray angiography, introducing a novel approach for IVUS segmentation that incorporates a robust, knowledge-based cost function and a fully optimal, threedimensional segmentation algorithm. Our first study shows that circumferential plaque distribution depends on local vessel curvature in the majority of vessels. The second study analyzes the correlation between plaque distribution and wall shear stress in a set of 48 in vivo vessel segments. The results were conclusive for both studies, with a stronger correlation of circumferential plaque thickness with local curvature than with wall shear stress. The inverse relationship between local wall shear stress and plaque thickness was significantly more pronounced (p < 0.025) in vessel cross sections exhibiting compensatory enlargement (positive remodeling) without luminal narrowing than when the full spectrum of disease severity was considered. The inverse relationship was no longer observed in vessels where less than 35% of vessel cross sections remained without luminal narrowing. The findings of this study confirm, in vivo, the hypothesis that relatively lower wall shear stress is associated with early plaque development.