Data from the world literature about the pathology of the urinary system in autosomal chromosomal disorders are analyzed and compared with our own morphological investigations of this system in 63 cases of chromosomal disorders (Patau's, Edwards', Down's, Orbeli's, Wolf-Hirschhorn's syndromes, partial trisomy B and inversion of chromosome 2). The urinary system is most frequently involved in "cat-eye", triploidy, Orbeli's, Patau's and Edwards' syndromes. All known malformations of the urinary system are observed in children with chromosomal diseases, except infantile polycystic kidney and medullary "sponge" kidney. The authors recognize specific and nonspecific abnormalities of the urinary system. Nonspecific abnormalities, as simple renal dysgenesis, may be observed in all chromosomal disorders. Specific abnormalities are found only in certain chromosomal diseases. These malformations are an excess of embryonal lobulation of the kidney with the increase of its weight and cystic changes (Patau's syndrome), crossed renal ectopy with fusion and horseshoe kidney (Edwards' syndrome), unilateral renal agenesis (Orbeli's syndrome), hypospadia (Wolf-Hirschhorn's syndrome). A possible pathogenesis of malformations of the urinary system in chromosomal disorders is discussed.