Enzyme reprofiling in bacteria during adaptation from one environmental condition to another may be regulated by both transcription and translation. However, little is known about the contribution of translational regulation. Recently, we have developed a pulse labeling method using the methionine analog azidohomoalanine to determine the relative amounts of proteins synthesized by Escherichia coli in a brief time frame upon a change in environmental conditions. Here we present an extension of our analytical strategy, which entails measuring changes in total protein levels on the same time scale as new protein synthesis. This allows identification of stable and labile proteins and demonstrates that altered levels of most newly synthesized proteins are the result of a change in translation rate rather than degradation rate. With this extended strategy, average relative translation rates for 10 min immediately after a switch from aerobiosis to anaerobiosis were determined. The majority of proteins with increased synthesis rates upon an anaerobic switch are involved in glycolysis and pathways aimed at preventing glycolysis grinding to a halt by a cellular redox imbalance. Our method can be used to compare relative translation rates with relative mRNA levels at the same time. Discrepancies between these parameters may reveal genes whose expression is regulated by translation rather than by transcription. This may help unravel molecular mechanism underlying changes in translation rates, e.g. mediated by small regulatory RNAs. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 9:2508 -2516, 2010.An integrated view of the molecular events underlying adaptation of bacteria to major environmental changes requires insight into both transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. With the availability of annotated genome databases, much has been learned about global changes induced in mRNA levels and the transcription factors involved as well as about changes in steady state protein levels upon a switch in environmental conditions. However, little is known concerning genome-wide changes in protein synthesis and degradation rates and about the contributions of transcription and translation to the regulation of gene expression when bacteria adapt to major changes in the environment. An important reason for this is the fact that it is much easier, using genome-wide microarray analysis, to find candidate genes with expression levels regulated via RNA transcription or degradation than to identify candidate genes with expression levels regulated at the level of translation.Renewed interest in gene expression regulation at the posttranscriptional level in prokaryotes has been sparked recently by the discovery in 2001-2002 of the existence of large numbers of small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) 1 in Escherichia coli and other bacteria (1-4). These sRNAs may regulate translation of numerous mRNAs (5) often mediated by the RNA chaperone Hfq (6). Although the function of many sRNAs is not yet known, several recently reviewed findings (...