This Review compiles the evolution,
mechanistic understanding,
and more recent advances in enantioselective Pd-catalyzed allylic
substitution and decarboxylative and oxidative allylic substitutions.
For each reaction, the catalytic data, as well as examples of their
application to the synthesis of more complex molecules, are collected.
Sections in which we discuss key mechanistic aspects for high selectivity
and a comparison with other metals (with advantages and disadvantages)
are also included. For Pd-catalyzed asymmetric allylic substitution,
the catalytic data are grouped according to the type of nucleophile
employed. Because of the prominent position of the use of stabilized
carbon nucleophiles and heteronucleophiles, many chiral ligands have
been developed. To better compare the results, they are presented
grouped by ligand types. Pd-catalyzed asymmetric decarboxylative reactions
are mainly promoted by PHOX or Trost ligands, which justifies organizing
this section in chronological order. For asymmetric oxidative allylic
substitution the results are grouped according to the type of nucleophile