Multi-Service Access Everywhere (MUSE) is a large European research project that addresses multi-service access networks. The consortium is led by Alcatel-Lucent and consists of major operators, vendors, and research institutes in Europe. A general network architecture and an open business model were defined. Requirements and methods for the authentication of users or devices to such multi-service access networks were elaborated. The concept of Internet Protocol (IP) sessions was reviewed and options for monitoring IP sessions were compared. Pragmatic recommendations for the implementation of resource admission control and policy decisions were formulated. The paper also describes how the requirement to support nomadic services influenced some of the architectural choices for the authentication and policy framework. A dedicated section addresses solutions at the application layer for session continuity. © 2008 Alcatel-Lucent.An important challenge for the architectural studies at the start of MUSE was the definition of multiservice capabilities on an Ethernet-based access network. While there are many areas investigated by MUSE that are described with more detailed resultsareas such as service rich access platforms [25,27], residential gateways [3,12], specific first mile solutions [23,24], and lab trials [13,19]-this paper reports on specific network architecture aspects that are required to turn an Ethernet access network into a multi-service network. In a first phase, the project already addressed methods to achieve secure connectivity. The results of this early work were shared via standardization efforts in the DSL Forum [5] and published in other papers (e.g., in [26]). They have contributed to the rapid introduction to real deployment of Ethernet-based services. In the second phase, however,
IntroductionThe objective of the Multi-Service Access Everywhere (MUSE) project is the research and development of a future, low cost, multi-service broadband access network. MUSE is part of the Information Society and Technology (IST) Framework Programme of the European Commission. The consortium consists of almost all major European players in the field of broadband access, including vendors and providers, several university institutes, and small and medium enterprises. The large project integrates a wide scope of activities ranging from end-to-end access architectures to access and edge nodes, first mile solutions, and residential gateways. The project started in January 2004 and ended in March 2008. Its results are conceptual studies, consensus recommendations, contributions to standardization, and proofs of concepts in lab trials [18,26].Bell Labs Technical Journal 13(1), 11-28 (2008 there were important capabilities that remained to be addressed to achieve a full multi-service capability, and those are the subject of the present paper: the authentication and management of sessions, the provisioning of quality of service (QoS), and the support of nomadic services. Multi-service capability does not only include the...