In this paper we deal with a doubly nonlinear Cahn-Hilliard system, where both an internal constraint on the time derivative of the concentration and a potential for the concentration are introduced. The definition of the chemical potential includes two regularizations: a viscosity and a diffusive term. First of all, we prove existence and uniqueness of a bounded solution to the system using a nonstandard maximumprinciple argument for time-discretizations of doubly nonlinear equations. Possibly including singular potentials, this novel result brings improvements over previous approaches to this problem. Secondly, under suitable assumptions on the data, we show the convergence of solutions to the respective limit problems once either of the two regularization parameters vanishes.The additional terms on the right-hand side do not affect the energy, but rather the dissipation. This is evident from the energetic estimatewhich is obtained by testing the first equation by µ, the second equation by −∂ t u, and by adding the resulting equations.Since the original work of Cahn, innumerable generalizations of the C-H system have been proposed in the literature. They are so many that it would be difficult to provide a comprehensive account in the present context. We prefer to refer to the review [24]. In this respect it is worth mentioning that a systematic procedure to derive and generalize the C-H system has been proposed by M.E. Gurtin [17], by extending the thermodynamical framework of continuum mechanics, as also reported in [21]. Let us also mention an alternative approach due to Podio-Guidugli [27] leading to another viscous C-H system of nonstandard type [10,11].In this sea of literature, the problem that we consider belongs to the class of doublynonlinear Cahn-Hilliard systems, characterized by nonlinearity both on the instantaneous value u of the concentration and on its time derivative ∂ t u. The particular form (1.1)-(1.2) has been the object of mathematical investigation in [22] with Neumann homogeneous conditions for the chemical potential, and in a previous paper of ours [5], where a discussion of its thermodynamical consistency can also be found. The system (1.1)-(1.2) has also been studied in [29] under dynamic boundary conditions. A similar system was investigated in [23], where the nonlinearity β(∂ t u) is replaced by ∂ t α(u). Among other mathematical work on the C-H system related to the present paper, we mention the contributions by 26] on the viscous C-H equation, which is obtained in the case β = 0 removing the nonlinear viscosity contribution.