There was described the case of acute axonal senzorimotor polyneuropathy in a chronic hemodialysed (HD) patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The signs and simptoms and also, the immunological laboratory criteria were initially interpreted only as a spurt of SLE activity and treated accordingly. Lack of response to treatment has led to additional neurological and imagistic investigations, who supported the diagnosis of Acute axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy. As a treatment, 5 plasmapheresis sessions were conducted followed by quarterly intravenous administration of 2g/ kg of body weight Immunoglobulin (5 cures), with improved evolution. Sustaining of SLE activity is not common in chronic hemodialysed patient. Usually, after start dialysis autoimmune systemic disease shows no activity. On the other hand, the causal relationship between acute axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy and SLE, has not been definitely established.