This paper examines efficient and decentralized monitoring of objects moving in a transportation network. Previous work in moving object monitoring has focused primarily on centralized information systems, like moving object databases and geographic information systems. In contrast, in this paper monitoring is in-network, requiring no centralized control and allowing for substantial spatial constraints to the movement of information. The transportation network is assumed to be augmented with fixed checkpoints that can detect passing mobile objects. This assumption is motivated by many practical applications, from traffic management in vehicle ad hoc networks to habitat monitoring by tracking animal movements. In this context, this paper proposes and evaluates a family of efficient decentralized algorithms for capturing, storing and querying the movements of objects. The algorithms differ in the restrictions they make on the communication and sensing constraints to the mobile nodes and the fixed checkpoints. The performance of the algorithms is evaluated and compared with respect to their scalability (in terms of communication and space complexity), and their latency (the time between when a movement event occurs, and when all interested nodes are updated with records about that event). The conclusions identify three key principles for efficient decentralized monitoring of objects moving past checkpoints: structuring computation around neighboring checkpoints; taking advantage of mobility diffusion and separating the generation and querying of movement information.