MEDIA E CONTESTO DELL’EDUCAZIONE SCIENTIFICA IN TPACK: UNA REVISIONE SISTEMATICA Abstract The development of media and context within the framework of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) is important in science education. The purpose of the systematic review is to find out the media and context used in the TPACK framework for the development of science learning. Media is related to learning technology such as technology in communication, collaboration, assessment, visualization, and online learning. The use of science learning media in developing TPACK consists of two types, the first using a single type of media and the second using multiple types of learning technology media. The learning context includes micro in the form of classes, meso in the form of schools, and macro in the form of the wider community, as well as the context of teachers and pre-service teachers. The context of science education in TPACK relates to the type of research such as micro-level using mixed research methods, experimental, qualitative, research and development, and macro level usually using survey research. The TPACK framework is an approach to explaining effectiveness, evaluation, and reflection in the use of learning technology.