Background and Objectives:The scent survey for screening (SSS) test is a subjective olfactory questionnaire devised for this study. We demonstrated the correlation of the SSS test with other olfactory tests and the efficacy of the SSS test as an olfactory screening test compared to KVSSII. Subjects and Method: A total of 363 patients who visited our ORL outpatient department underwent the SSS test, VAS, and KVSS I and II. The patients were divided into two groups, a group with normal olfactory function and a group with olfactory dysfunction according to the KVSS II test. In each group, the correlations between the olfactory tests were studied, and the cutoff value of the SSS test as a screening test was investigated. Results: There was positive correlation between CCSIT and KVSS I, II, T, D, and I tests and the SSS test in the total group and in the olfactory dysfunction group (p<0.05). The identification test in the KVSS II showed the highest positive correlation. While the cut-off value of normal olfactory function in the KVSS II is 28, the SSS test showed the highest specificity and sensitivity of 74 under an ROC curve. Conclusion: The SSS test showed very high correlation with other olfactory tests, especially in an olfactory dysfunction group. This result indicates that the SSS is appropriate as a screening test to select people with olfactory disorder. KEY WORDS: QuestionnaireㆍOlfaction disordersㆍOlfactory function test. 서 론 후각 기능은 단순히 냄새를 감지하고 음식을 느끼는 기 능뿐만 아니라, 상한 음식을 감별해내고, 독성 가스 및 화재 연기 탐지를 통해 각종 위험사고로부터의 노출을 예방하는 역할을 하며, 좋은 향기를 맡음으로 기분이 좋아지는 감정의 변화에도 관여한다. 또한 산업체 근로자, 조리사, 조향사, 소 방관과 같은 특수 직업 군에서 후각의 중요성은 더욱 강조 된다. 최근 사회, 경제적으로 생활수준이 높아지면서 후각기 능 이상에 대한 의료적 관심이 증가 하고 있으며, 1) 많은 이 비인후과 외래에서 후각이상을 주된 증상으로 내원하는 환 자들이 증가하고 있는 추세이다.