The central local metric dimension is a new variation of local metric dimension that introduced in 2023. The central local metric dimension is a new concept that enriches research studies in graph theory, especially in the field of metric dimension. This concept combines the concept of local metric dimension by involving central points in the local metric set so that the existence of central points can strengthen the position of the local metric set in distinguishing every two neighboring points in a graph. The methodology of this research is study literature and observation. We find the central vertex of each graph and also find the local metric set of its graph, then we applied it to the related theorem to find the lower bound of central local metric dimension. Let πΊ be a connected graph with order π and vertex set is π(πΊ). A subset π={π₯1,π₯2,β¦,π₯π}βπ(πΊ) is a local metric set of graph πΊ if the metric code of every two adjacent vertices π’,π£ in πΊ are π(π’|π)β π(π£|π), where π(π’|π)=(π(π’,π₯1),π(π’,π₯2),β¦,π(π’,π₯π)) and π(π£|π)=(π(π£,π₯1),π(π£,π₯2),β¦,π(π£,π₯π)). A vertex π₯βπ(πΊ) is a central vertex in πΊ if π₯ have the the shorthest distance to the another all vertices in πΊ. If π consist of all central vertices in πΊ, then π is called a central local metric set of πΊ. The minimal cardinality of π is called a central basis local set of πΊ and its cardinality is called central local metric dimension of πΊ or denoted by ππππ (πΊ). In this paper we explored the central local metric dimension on generalized fan graph, generalized broken fan graph, and a graph resulting from corona operation Cm β KΒ―n. The result show that the central local metric dimension of generalized fan graph is equal with its order because the diameter and radius are equal. Different with it, the central local metric dimension of generalized broken fan is equal with its local metric dimension plus cardinality of central set, and the central local metric dimension of Cm β KΒ―n are equal with the central local metric dimension of πΆπ.