“…The set FormpΣq of equational Σ-formulas is then inductively built from atoms by: conjunction (^), disjunction (_), negation ( ), and universal (@x 1 : s 1 , ... , x n : s n ) and existential (Dx 1 : s 1 , ... , x n : s n ) quantification with distinct sorted variables x 1 : s 1 ,..., x n : s n , with s 1 ,..., s n P S (by convention, for H the empty set of variables and ϕ a formula, we define p@Hq ϕ " pDHq ϕ " ϕ). A literal pt " t 1 q is denoted t t 1 . Given a Σ-algebra A, a formula ϕ P FormpΣq, and an assignment α P rYÑAs, where Y Ě fvarspϕq, with fvarspϕq the free variables of ϕ, the satisfaction relation A,α |ù ϕ is defined inductively as usual: for atoms, A,α |ù t " t 1 iff tα " t 1 α; for Boolean connectives it is the corresponding Boolean combination of the satisfaction relations for subformulas; and for quantifiers: A,α |ù p@x 1 : s 1 ,...,x n : s n q ϕ (resp.…”