This paper considers the class of stochastic processes X defined on [0, T ] bywhere M is a square-integrable martingale and G is a deterministic kernel. When M is Brownian motion, X is Gaussian, and the class includes fractional Brownian motion and other Gaussian processes with or without homogeneous increments. Let m be an odd integer. Under the assumption that the quadratic variation, it is shown that the mth power variationexists and is zero when a quantity δ 2 (r) related to the variance of an increment of M over a small interval of length r satisfies δ (r) = o r 1/(2m) .In the case of a Gaussian process with homogeneous increments, δ is X's canonical metric, the condition on δ is proved to be necessary, and the zero variation result is extended to noninteger symmetric powers, i.e. using |X (s + ε) − X (s)| m sgn (X (s + ε) − X (s)) for any real value m ≥ 1. In the non-homogeneous Gaussian case, when m = 3, the symmetric (generalized Stratonovich) integral is defined, proved to exist, and its Itô formula is proved to hold for all functions of class C 6 .