Modeling networkâscale sediment (dis)connectivity and its response to anthropic pressures provides a baseline understanding of river processes and sediment dynamics that can be used to forecast future hydroâmorphological changes in river basins. However, this requires a solid understanding of how a system is currently operating, and how it operated in the past. We present the basinâscale, dynamic sediment connectivity model DâCASCADE, which combines concepts of network modeling with empirical sediment transport formulas to quantify spatiotemporal sediment (dis)connectivity in river networks. DâCASCADE accounts for multiple factors affecting sediment transport, such as spatiotemporal variations in hydrological regime, different sediment grain sizes, sediment entrainment and deposition. Addâons are included in DâCASCADE to model local changes in river geomorphology driven by sedimentâinduced variations in features such as channel width. We apply DâCASCADE to the wellâdocumented Bega River catchment, NSW, Australia, where significant geomorphic changes to rivers have occurred post European colonization (after 1850s), including widespread channel erosion and sediment mobilization. The Bega catchment provides a useful case study to test DâCASCADE, as original source data on the historical sediment budget are available. By introducing historic drivers of change in the correct chronological sequence, the DâCASCADE model successfully reproduced the timing and magnitude of major phases of sediment transport and associated channel adjustments over the last two centuries. With this confidence, we then ran the model to test how well it performs at estimating future trajectories of basinâscale sediment transport and sediment budgets at the river reach scale.