Photorespiration, a process that diminishes net photosynthesis by Ϸ25% in most plants, has been viewed as the unfavorable consequence of plants having evolved when the atmosphere contained much higher levels of carbon dioxide than it does today. Here we used two independent methods to show that exposure of Arabidopsis and wheat shoots to conditions that inhibited photorespiration also strongly inhibited nitrate assimilation. Thus, nitrate assimilation in both dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous species depends on photorespiration. This previously undescribed role for photorespiration (i) explains several responses of plants to rising carbon dioxide concentrations, including the inability of many plants to sustain rapid growth under elevated levels of carbon dioxide; and (ii) raises concerns about genetic manipulations to diminish photorespiration in climate change ͉ CO2 acclimation ͉ Arabidopsis ͉ wheat R ubisco, the most prevalent protein in plants, indeed in the biosphere, catalyzes the reaction of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate with either CO 2 or O 2 and thereby initiates, respectively, the CO 2 assimilatory (C 3 reductive) or photorespiratory (C 2 oxidative) pathways. The balance between the two reactions depends on the relative concentrations of CO 2 and O 2 at the site of catalysis. At current atmospheric levels of CO 2 (Ϸ360 mol⅐mol Ϫ1 ) and O 2 (Ϸ209,700 mol⅐mol Ϫ1 ), photorespiration in C 3 plants dissipates Ͼ25% of the carbon fixed during CO 2 assimilation (1). Thus, photorespiration has been viewed as a wasteful process, a vestige of the high CO 2 atmospheres under which plants evolved (2). At best, according to current thought, photorespiration may mitigate photoinhibition under high light and drought stress (2, 3) or may generate amino acids such as glycine for other metabolic pathways (4). Genetic modification of Rubisco to minimize photorespiration in crop plants has been the goal of many investigations (5).Atmospheric CO 2 concentrations will rise to somewhere between 600 and 1,000 mol⅐mol Ϫ1 by the end of the 21st century (6). Transferring C 3 plants from ambient (Ϸ360 mol⅐mol Ϫ1 ) to elevated (Ϸ720 mol⅐mol Ϫ1 ) CO 2 concentrations decreases photorespiration and initially stimulates net CO 2 assimilation and growth by Ϸ30% (7). With longer exposures to elevated CO 2 concentrations (days to weeks), however, net CO 2 assimilation and plant growth slow down until they stabilize at rates that average 12% (8) and 8% (9), respectively, above those of plants kept at ambient CO 2 concentrations. This phenomenon, known as CO 2 acclimation, is often associated with diminished activities of Rubisco and other enzymes in the C 3 reductive photosynthetic carbon cycle (10, 11), but the influence of elevated CO 2 may not be specific to these enzymes (12). Rather, CO 2 acclimation follows a 14% decline in overall shoot nitrogen concentrations (13), a change nearly double what would be expected if a given amount of nitrogen were diluted by the additional biomass that accumulates under elevated CO 2 conce...