Resumo: Perante a presente situação de encruzilhada político-institucional da metrópole de Lisboa, surge a necessidade de novos (e urgentes) enfoques, bem como correspondentes acções. O entendimento destes enfoques apela para uma perspectiva dinâmica, na compreensão e gestão perante as percepções e as estratégias dos diferentes actores, e os consequentes processos de mudança urbana. Nesta perspectiva, sugere-se uma investigação de carácter indutivo, questionando os actores sobre os principais desafios de governância urbana que se colocam, após uma análise sobre os próprios desafios metropolitanos. Uma correspondente análise crítica procura clarificar as principais áreas de reflexão, e sugere níveis de aprofun damento.Palavras-chave: governância urbana; governo urbano; Lisboa; estratégia de actores "Cities, like dreams, are built upon desires and fears, although the thread of its discourse may be secret, its rules absurd, its perspectives deceptive, and all things hiding other"
Governance and FragmentationFi rst re f lection: presently, most of the discourses around our cities seem to follow a somewhat negative and worrying thread. ln fact, once considered as the pinnacle of human culture and evolution, the city is being now commonly depicted as a cruel and growing Hydra2 expanding without limits, in a growingly diffuse and fragmented way. Notwithstanding, this restlessness seems to become stronger when we consider the present management structures of the urban territories. ln front of growing complexity and immanent, fragmented realities, scattering our own urban perceptions, the exercise of a sustainable and pro-active urban management might, in our questionings, become more and more difficult to handle. We stand in front of a paradox that Nel.lo ltalo Calvino, The lnvisible Cities