[2005]). This class of equilibria includes results derived by other authors (termed the Harris-Fadeev-Kan-Manankova solution), a generalization of this solution, and new configurations for isolated X line and isolated magnetic island. In this comment, I want to address an issue related to the analytical derivation of equilibrium solutions. A mean to locate possible singularities of solutions is presented with the aim to complement an aspect of the paper: the requirements with respect to the extent of the smooth domain in typical applications.[2] The key point of the analytical approach at the heart of the paper is that the general solution for the potential É to the 2-D Grad-Shafranov equationis obtained in terms of the generating function g(z) with z = X + iZ, where X and Z are two dimensionless spatial coordinates (we respect notations used by Yoon and Lui [2005]). The formal solution to equation (1) is given bywhere g 0 = dg(z)/dz. This solution probably appears for the first time in the literature by Liouville [1853]. However the generating function g(z) is far from being arbitrary; indeed, it must satisfy in any restricted domain of the complex plane C the following condition: