The properties of the scattering amplitude near t ~ 0 have been studied on the basis of analyticity, factorization and Lorentz symmetry.During the last few years, the properties of the scattering amplitude ncar t = 0 have been extensively studied in the framework of the Regge pole model. The origin of the interest to this particular point, which at high energy in the general mass configuration, is very close to the physical region, has to be found in the existence at t -~ 0 of two kinds of complications. In fact, the analyticity properties of the scattering amplitude and the crossing symmetry require the existence of some kinematical constraints between different helicity amplitudes. These constraints in the framework of the Regge pole model gire rise to the concept of "conspiracy" between different Regge trajectories.Additional interest in the point t ~ 0 arises in connection with the Regge expansion of the scattering amplitude, which is singular at t ----0 in the unequal-unequal (UU) and equal--unequal (EU) mass configuration. The concepts of daughter trajectory and of Regge pole family come into play in order to avoid these unwanted singularities and to restore the pure Regge behavior.The properties of the scattering amplitude near t ----0 have been studied in the following two different ways: the group theoretical approach and the analytic approach.The first approach is based on the invariance of the scattering amplitude under the Lorentz group 0(3, 1) at t = 0 in the pairwise equal mass configuration. In fact, TOLLER [1--3] Reggeized expansions of amplitudes *