Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are expected to play a vital role in increasing road safety and road efficiency in the near future. The primary feature of ITS applications is to provide road safety, which is based on IEEE-802.11p technology, by transmitting safety messages to the vehicles in the surrounding. The channel congestion is a significant challenge for the IEEE802.11p, ITS is operating on. Congestion increases the data loss and degrades the ITS performance resulting from compromising passengers safety. In this paper, we analyze the benefits of exploiting vehicle's embedded sensors to enhance car perception and hence improve the efficiency of cooperative communications. To this purpose, we implemented the collaborative environment perception approach for vehicular safety applications proposed by [1] and analyze its performance and behavior in congested urban traffic. In this proposal, so-called ECAM (Extended Cooperative Awareness Message), vehicles use a different type of sensors (cameras, radars, lidars etc.) to collect the status information of the surrounding vehicles in their detection range and share this information through a collaborative beaconing scheme to reduce congestion on the communication channel. This scheme implements a dual step mechanism to function. The first phase implements the collaborative perception mechanism by adding the locally collected information in the safety message and sharing this up to date data to intensify the awareness among the vehicles in its communication surrounding. In the second phase, the recipient vehicles verify the accuracy of the information received from the collective perception enabled vehicles by leveraging the position by adding an error threshold. Performance evaluation conducted through extensive simulations shows the benefits of exploiting increased perception to enhance awareness among cars while reducing the contention on the wireless interface.