Electromagnetic transitions from low-lying 0 +, 2 +, 4 + and 3-states in lO2, a04pd have been studied using (p, 2n) and (p,p') reactions and Coulomb excitation. The E2 transition probabilities from the 0 + state in ~~ (13 W.u.) and from the 0 + state in ~~ (14 W.u.) are somewhat low for two-phonon states. Generally, the E2 transition rates are reasonably well reproduced by the IBA-2 and by the boson-expansion description. The intruding 0 + state (tl/2 = 14.3 ns) in l~ is connected to the 2 + and 2~-states via strong E2 transitions: B(E2; 0+~2+)=96___40W.u.; B(E2; 2~-~0+)=17 ill W.u.