An array of invariants for closed 3-manifolds and for links in 3-manifolds has been revealed by Witten [17] using the inspiration of quantum field theory. When the 3-manifold is the 3-sphere, these link invariants are essentially the Jones polynomial (or one of its generalisations) of the link, evaluated at various complex roots of unity. A proof of the existence of such invariants has been given by . Building on Kirby's theorem [7] concerning the different ways of obtaining a 3-manifold via surgery on the 3-sphere, they use deep results from the theory of quantum groups and the representation theory of Lie algebras. This paper gives an alternative approach, based on only the general outline of their method. The result obtained here establishes those new invariants that, in other interpretations, correspond to the Lie group SU(2). This proof of the invariants' existence, which also starts with Kirby's theorem, uses Kauffman's (easy) bracket invariant [-5] of regular isotopy classes of planar link diagrams. The behaviour of this invariant at roots of unity is explored using the discipline of the Temperley-Lieb algebra I-1, 6] (that is also used in statistical mechanics in the calculation of the partition function of the Ports model), and the results are blended with some of the elementary tricks of linear skein theory [11]. The results needed (and here proved) from the Temperley-Lieb algebra are implicit in work of Jones [4] which appeared before the advent of his Jones polynomial (see also [3]). Of course, the Kauffman bracket is but a clever reformulation of the Jones polynomial. The nature of the 3-manifold invariants is described in a fairly simple way, but calculations are by no means easy and will not be attempted here. Some of these calculations have been performed and discussed by Kirby and Melvin 18] using some of the few (sixteen) roots of unity at which the Jones polynomial can be expressed in terms of more classical invariants; they do at least show that the invariants are not trivial.The paper is, apart from its use of Kirby's surgery theorem, intended to be entirely elementary and self-contained. Much of it is but an exercise in elementary