com els ulls on es pot estimar millor el frescor. Els resultats de R2 CV van ser de 0.844 al correlacionar els espectres obtinguts dels ulls amb el temps mitjançant un PLSDA.El desenvolupament d'aquestes tècniques tindrà un gran impacte en la indústria agroalimentària en un futur pròxim, ja que suposa una clara innovació tecnològica respecte a realitzar anàlisis físic-químics destructius en un subconjunt de les mostres. Aquestes tècniques permeten realitzar el control de qualitat i de seguretat de totes les mostres de forma no destructiva millorant per tant la qualitat, rapidesa, seguretat, fiabilitat i cost dels diferents processos de la indústria alimentària.Página ix de xix
AbstractEnhancements of the productive processes in the food industry, as any other industry, are a key factor to keep the competitiveness and increase profits. In order to achieve this objective it is needed to use new methods that improve the quality and efficiency of these processes.Moreover, nowadays there is a farther distance between the place of production of the current foods and the place where they are eaten. This requires quality systems that can inspect the 100% of the food samples in a cheap and non-destructive way. Hyperspectral and 3D techniques are proposed in this thesis as a solution.A review of the current state of art has been done for the different techniques to obtain three dimensions´ information as well as their uses in the food industry. Structured light (SL), stereo vision and time of flight (TOF) have been chosen as the best suitable. A comparison between SL and TOF for the in-line measurement of three animal foods and three vegetable foods has been done. The conclusion of this study is that both techniques are suitable to use having a mean R 2 CV of 0.85 for TOF and 0.95 for SL for the volume estimation of the samples. SL techniques have been studied deeper solving the segmentation problem of detecting roots on potatoes. This is a difficult problem to solve using classic computer vision techniques due to the similar colors between the roots and the potatoes. This problem was solved doing an Adaboot model that classifies the 3D points of the cloud into roots or surface points using a 3D features vector for each point. The results achieved values of 94% in accuracy. Another problem solved was the assessment of grape cluster yield components based on 3D descriptors using stereo vision. Compactness is especially difficult to assess due its subjectivity. Currently, this quality component is evaluated by a group of experts following the method described in OIV volume 204. A semi-automatic method was developed to solve this problem using new 3D descriptors and a SVM model. A prediction value of R 2 =0.8 was achieved for hundred bunches of ten different varieties.
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AbstractWith regard of hyperspectral techniques, a new methodology has been developed in order to get results from hyperspectral images. This methodology has been applied for solving three different problems. These problems were freshne...