still recurring subjects of debate (Daniel, 2007). Cohesive elements have become very popular as discontinuities may efficiently be simulated, e.g. splitting due to delamination (Camanho and Mathews, 1999;Camanho et al., 2003;Tvergaard, 2004;Iannucci and Willows, 2006). An up-todate review can be found in Wisnom (2010). The proposed technique admits linkage to cohesive elements, although this is not attempted at this time.The proposed technique is framed on the thermodynamics of irreversible process following Chaboche (1992). Other interesting thermodynamical approaches for damage mechanics of composites are also found in literature, e.g. Simo and Ju (1987), Turon et al. (2006), amongst others. From a purely damage mechanics point of view, the main features of the proposed technique are the computation of paths of damages which provide an effective localisation of the different damage modes and, second, the computation of damage on the strain space through the generation of a mapping between the strain and stress spaces where the so-called normalised energy release rates are readily computed. Thus, the undamaged domain is defined on the strain space bounded for a set of quadratic damage surfaces. The approach is based on computing the damage at quadrature points, i.e. gauss points, within each finite element, forming the mesh of the composite which is performed in the strain space. Moreover, fracture energy -modes I and II -can be added to the model and mapped onto to the strain space following an analogous strategy. This last point permits to treat all the variables associated to failure on the composite in a progressive manner which provides higher stability and convergence in the explicit finite element method (XPFEM) procedure, as the removal of a finite element often causes oscillations when using XPFEM, creating instability, and, eventually, divergence (Camanho et al., 2001).This article is outlined as follows. First, the thermodynamical background, in which the technique is framed, is briefly presented. Second, definition of the measurements of stress utilised are provided. Third, damage components of the technique are described. Fourth, the integration within XPFEM is presented in some detail. Finally, numerical results and discussion are provided. Additionally, an appendix containing relevant tensors is included.