DEDICATIONThis dissertation is dedicated to my mother. Words cannot express how much I wish that she was still with me to see the completion of this endeavor.iii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSIn the name of Allah the most merciful, the most compassionate. All deepest thanks are due to Almighty Allah for the uncountable gifts given to me.I would like to thank my dissertation advisor, Dr. Ayman El-Baz, for his continuous encouragement, guidance, and support over the course of my Ph.D. study. I thank him for giving me the opportunity to work in his research group and providing me the opportunity to work on promising applications and meet interesting people. Without his expertise, guidance, and commitment, my research would not have been possible. I truly appreciate his optimism whenever things looked impossible.I also express my deepest gratitude to Dr. Karla Conn Welch, my dissertation coadvisor, and Dr. Tamer Inanc, Dr. Cindy Harnett, Dr. Olfa Nasraoui, and Dr. Jake Wildstrom for being on my dissertation committee with enthusiasm and taking interest in my research in the midst of many other responsibilities and commitments.I also have to thank Dr. Georgy Gimel'farb for his useful discussions and valuable comments and feedback. He has never hesitated to share his experience in Markov-Gibbs random field and the field of image processing. I also would like to thank Dr. Mohamed Abou El-Ghar of the radiology department, Urology and Nephrology Center, University of Early detection of human organ diseases is of great importance for the accurate diagnosis and institution of appropriate therapies. This can potentially prevent progression to end-stage disease by detecting precursors that evaluate organ functionality. In addition, it also assists the clinicians for therapy evaluation, tracking diseases progression, and surgery operations. Advances in functional and contrast-enhanced (CE) medical images enabled accurate noninvasive evaluation of organ functionality due to their ability to provide superior anatomical and functional information about the tissue-of-interest. The main objective of this dissertation is to develop a computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) system for analyzing complex data from CE magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The developed CAD system has been tested in three case studies: (i) early detection of acute renal transplant rejection,(ii) evaluation of myocardial perfusion in patients with ischemic heart disease after heart attack; and (iii), early detection of prostate cancer.However, developing a noninvasive CAD system for the analysis of CE medical images is subject to multiple challenges, including, but are not limited to, image noise and inhomogeneity, nonlinear signal intensity changes of the images over the time course of data acquisition, appearances and shape changes (deformations) of the organ-of-interest during data acquisition, determination of the best features (indexes) that describe the perfuvi sion of a contrast agent (CA) into the tissue. To address these challenges, this dissertation focuses on building n...