Ai m: The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of fibrin glue on nerve anastomosis, and study conduction velocity obtained by surface electrodes. Methods: In this experimental model we evaluated nerve conduction velocity differences in the preoperative and postoperative periods, for the left facial nerve of 12 rabbits. Then, we evaluated whether there were correlations between conduction velocity and the number of postoperative regenerated axons. The sectioned nerves were anastomosed with fibrin glue. The muscle action potentials were obtained from surface electrodes. The stimulation electrode was placed immediately before the ear pinna (facial nerve trunk) and the recording surface electrode was placed on the quadratus labii inferioris muscle. Results: The facial nerve normal conduction velocity mean value was of 36.53 m/sec. On the postoperative period, the mean conduction velocity was approximately 81% of the normal mean value. A significant correlation was not observed between the postoperative conduction velocity and the number of regenerated axons (p=0.146).
Conclusion:The fibrin glue can be used on nerve anastomosis in this animal model and nerve.