Tritrophic mutualistic interactions have been best studied in plantinsect systems. During these interactions, plants release volatiles in response to herbivore damage, which, in turn, facilitates predation on primary consumers or benefits the primary producer by providing nutrients. Here we explore a similar interaction in the Southern Ocean food web, where soluble iron limits primary productivity. Dimethyl sulfide has been studied in the context of global climate regulation and is an established foraging cue for marine top predators. We present evidence that procellariiform seabird species that use dimethyl sulfide as a foraging cue selectively forage on phytoplankton grazers. Their contribution of beneficial iron recycled to marine phytoplankton via excretion suggests a chemically mediated link between marine top predators and oceanic primary production.
Many plant species interact with carnivores to gain protection from herbivory. Such mutualistic tritrophic interactions have been studied extensively in plant-insect systems, and are frequently mediated by plant volatiles released in response to insect feeding (1). One example that has received detailed study is the interaction between the phytophagous twospotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae, the lima bean plant Phaseolus lunatus, and the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis (2, 3). In this model system, grazing by the herbivorous spider mite has been demonstrated to elicit a cascade of biochemical reactions within the afflicted plants, stimulating the release of a suite of volatile terpenoids such as (E)-4,8-dimethyl-l,3, 7-nonatriene, (E)-β-ocimene, and (E,E)- 4,8,12-trimethyl-1,3,7, 11-tridecatetraene (3). These volatiles attract olfactory-searching P. persimilis that prey upon herbivorous spider mites.The possibility of tritrophic mutualisms involving plant volatiles has received considerable attention in terrestrial communities (2-5); however, similar interactions have rarely been suggested for marine systems (6). Dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and its precursor dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) are well-established infochemicals in the marine environment, and as such are good candidate molecules for mediating tritrophic interactions between phytoplankton and carnivores (7-10). DMS arises as a catabolic breakdown product of DMSP, and has been studied extensively for its putative role as a global climate regulator (11). DMSP is produced by marine algae, where it has been proposed to function as an osmolyte (12) and a cryoprotectant (13). When algal cells lyse, due to biotic or abiotic stress, one of the fates of DMSP is catabolism by the enzyme DMSP lyase to DMS and acrylic acid (14-16). This process may also occur during autocatalytic cell death (17). It has been proposed that acrylic acid is the biologically salient product of this reaction due to its antimicrobial properties (18). DMS production has also been shown to increase during zooplankton grazing (14). It has been previously proposed that this phytoplankton-derived odorant is an important infochemi...