The heart is the most important organ in the cardiovascular system. It pumps oxygen-rich blood all over the body. The imaging techniques are vital to get details for the best description of the structures of the cardiovascular system. Hence, it is considered an important means for diagnosis and clinical application. The current study was performed on five healthy goats of both sexes from native breeds, weighing about 30-35 kg and aging from one to three years. These goats were used as follows: topographical examination, gum milk injection (Latex 60%), computed tomography followed by frozen cross-section technique, thoracic radiograph, and echocardiography respectively. Ten hearts of apparent healthy goats were dissected for describing the heart morphology. The heart of the goat was situated between the 3rd and the 6th ribs in the thoracic cavity. It was hollow muscular cone-shaped with a slightly pointed apex. It had two surfaces, two borders, a base, and an apex. It was divided into four chambers through coronary and longitudinal grooves. The Computed Tomography sections result was compared with the anatomical images. Radiography and echocardiography were figured, identified, and labeled to create a comprehensive guide for experts in anatomy, surgery, and veterinary education. In conclusion, heart dissection generates anatomical knowledge and description. Besides, the modern imaging modalities such as Computed Tomography, echocardiography, and radiograph, provided non-invasive means for the animal anatomy in living animals.