Mind and body are inseparable entities influencing each other throughout the life. Now a day, due to abnormal lifestyle, increased pace of life, changes in food habits and behavioral pattern people become stressful which lead them towards several psychosomatic disorders. Among them, Amlapitta is one of the common conditions. For the present study, to evaluate the role of diet and lifestyle in etio-pathogenesis of Amlapitta a standardized questionnaire in the form of proforma incorporating types of foods (Madhura, Amla and Lavana Rasayukta Ahara etc.) and lifestyle (Divaswapna, Ratrijagarana and Manasika Bhavas etc) was prepared. Total 100 patients having classical signs and symptoms of Amlapitta and age in between 18-80 years attending the OPD of Kayachikitsa P. D. Patel Ayurveda Hospital, Nadiad, Gujarat, India were registered in the present study. The data reflects that maximum patients were taking Viruddhahara (combination of incompatible food items), eating uncooked, half cooked, overcooked food or stale food, excessive use of very hot, unctuous, dry, sour and liquid food articles and dietary rules like Akaal bhojana, Kale Anashana, Adhyashana, Ati drit bhojana, Shitam Ushnikritam, Atanmana bhunjitam, which play a key role in etio-pathogenesis of Amlapitta.