This study investigates the relationships among audience members' motivation, satisfaction, and re-visit intentions at an ethnic minority cultural festival. As an empirical study, an on-site survey was conducted at the 2009 Feŝta-Croatian Food and Wine Festival in Adelaide, South Australia. The results of the study identified eight main motivational dimensions for ethnic minority cultural festival attendance: "community support," "escape," "knowledge/education," "food, wine, and entertainment," "novelty," "family togetherness," "marketing," and "socialization." The findings of this study also confirm the implication that festival audience members' motivation is an immediate antecedent of overall satisfaction and likelihood of future attendance, and that the level of a festival audience members' overall satisfaction has a direct impact on the likelihood of future attendance. These findings offer important implications for public or private festival and event organizations, state governments, and local communities that have an interest in creating and staging ethnic minority cultural festivals.