The candidate confirms that the work submitted is her own and that appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe first thanks must go to the National Environment Research Council, who were kind enough to fund the first three years of this project. My supervisors Oliver Phillips and Alan Grainger deserve the strongest possible thanks for all their ideas, feedback and support. Thanks too to Steve Carver, a helpful member of the supervisory team in the first phase of the project. I am grateful for the constructive criticism of RSG members Mike Kirkby and Steve Compton.On the climate modelling side, Richard Betts and Peter Cox from Hadley Centre were supportive with advice, elucidation and most importantly, climate change scenario outputs. In the standard impact scenario (SIS), future population processes are simulated over 100 years, with changes in the variables governing cell suitability being applied annually according to anomalies from a selected GCM. The run is repeated for each species using anomalies of half that magnitude, as a reduced-impact scenario (RIS).