Abstract-This paper presents a novel methodology, which allows a systematic availability analysis of satellite payload data processing systems implemented on SRAM-based FPGAs. The methodology allows (i) comparison of different Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery (FDIR) schemes and (ii) prediction of the expected system availability in a particular radiation environment. Furthermore, it advances the state of the art by analysing embedded Block RAMs and employing a novel fault injection algorithm that enables more complex stochastic models. The applicability of the method is demonstrated by a case study representing a high availability payload data processing application. Since Block RAMs are also taken into account, the availability prediction precision is greatly increased. It is shown that the reliability prediction for two border cases, in which the Block RAMs are either ignored or assumed to be fully susceptible, can differ as much as 75%. With the proposed Block RAM profiling tool it is possible to determine a realistic reliability figure that is eventually required for the accurate estimation of the system availability.