DOI: 10.1038/s41592-018-0015-1
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A comparison of methods to assess cell mechanical properties

Abstract: The mechanical properties of cells influence their cellular and subcellular functions, including cell adhesion, migration, polarization, and differentiation, as well as organelle organization and trafficking inside the cytoplasm. Yet reported values of cell stiffness and viscosity vary substantially, which suggests differences in how the results of different methods are obtained or analyzed by different groups. To address this issue and illustrate the complementarity of certain approaches, here we present, ana… Show more

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Cited by 553 publications
(573 citation statements)
References 65 publications
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“…In vivo, most cells are organized in tissues where they are interconnected with other cells and continuously subjected to mechanical forces including shear, compressive, and extensional forces . The homeostasis of tissues is ensured by the ability of cells to exploit traction forces to sense the physical characteristics of their microenvironment . Stem cells reside in vivo in a complex and specialized microenvironment.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In vivo, most cells are organized in tissues where they are interconnected with other cells and continuously subjected to mechanical forces including shear, compressive, and extensional forces . The homeostasis of tissues is ensured by the ability of cells to exploit traction forces to sense the physical characteristics of their microenvironment . Stem cells reside in vivo in a complex and specialized microenvironment.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Young's elastic modulus is commonly used for specifying a cell's time‐independent mechanical properties . To directly correlate the maximum streaming velocity to the Young's modulus of cells under the same experimental conditions, we use atomic force microscopy (AFM) . The mean Young's moduli obtained from AFM indentation measurements for cells treated with CD and PFA are shown in Figure S7 of the Supporting Information.…”
confidence: 99%
“…To further investigate the robustness of this relationship, stiffness measurements of different cell lines are required which can be investigated in the future. Similar to the elasticity of cells that can span over a wide range even for the same cell type, the magnitude of streaming velocity induced by single‐cells can also vary depending on various factors including the degree of cell adhesion to the substrate, cell cycle, and ambient temperature. Figure S8 of the Supporting Information shows the variation in streaming velocity for individual cells before and after treatment with PFA.…”
confidence: 99%
“…Single‐cell biophysical techniques and their sensitivity have enabled quantification and unveiling of previously unknown relationships and fundamental paradigms in platelet biology and their underlying biomechanical principles with a resolution up to single‐molecule level . However, many of these single‐cell techniques are still limited in their ability to scale to measure a suitably large number of individual cells and independent samples . In this review, we focus on biophysical methods suitable to assess and quantify biomechanical characteristics such as elastic modulus, stiffness (or deformability), forces generated during adhesion, and spreading and contraction of single platelets in health and disease states.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Simplified schematics and glossary of terms used for defining mechanical properties of a deformable biological viscoelastic material (A) with a defined area A , initial length L0 and width W0 under applied shear force trueF undergoing sample elongation Δ L along the direction of the shear (B). The same deformable viscoelastic material can be either stretched (ie, material undergoes elongation) (C) or compressed (ie, material undergoes deformation) under the application of external force trueF perpendicular to the surface area A, resulting in changes in length Ln and width Wn , thereby allowing determination of several mechanical parameters including the Young’s modulus E. (Figure was adapted and modified from Wu et al)…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%