We construct a new model of Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia), based on the single degenerate scenario, taking account of the metallicity dependences of the white dwarf (WD) wind and the mass-stripping effect on the binary companion star. Our model naturally predicts that the SN Ia lifetime distribution spans a range of 0.1 − 20 Gyr with the double peaks at ∼ 0.1 and 1 Gyr. While the present SN Ia rate in elliptical galaxies can be reproduced with the old population of the red-giants+WD systems, the large SN Ia rate in radio galaxies could be explained with the young population of the main-sequence+WD systems. Because of the metallicity effect, i.e., because of the lack of winds from WDs in the binary systems, the SN Ia rate in the systems with [Fe/H] < ∼ − 1, e.g., high-z spiral galaxies, is supposed to be very small. Our SN Ia model can give better reproduction of the [(α, Mn, Zn)/Fe]-[Fe/H] relations in the solar neighborhood than other models such as the double-degenerate scenario. The metallicity effect is more strongly required in the presence of the young population of SNe Ia. We also succeed in reproducing the galactic supernova rates with their dependence on the morphological type of galaxies, and the cosmic SN Ia rate history with a peak at z ∼ 1. At z > ∼ 1, the predicted SN Ia rate decreases toward higher redshifts and SNe Ia will be observed only in the systems that have evolved with a short timescale of chemical enrichment. This suggests that the evolution effect in the supernova cosmology can be small.