North American Mesoscale (NAM) model forecasts of the occurrence, magnitude, depth, and persistence of ingredients previously shown to be useful in the diagnosis of banded and/or heavy snowfall potential are examined for a broad range of 25 snow events, with event total snowfall ranging from 10 cm (4 in.) to over 75 cm (30 in.). The ingredients examined are frontogenetical forcing, weak moist symmetric stability, saturation, and microphysical characteristics favorable for the production of dendritic snow crystals. It is shown that these ingredients, previously identified as being critical indicators for heavy and/or banded snowfall in major storms, are often found in smaller snowfall events. It is also shown that the magnitude, depth, and persistence of these ingredients, or combinations of these ingredients, appear to be good predictors of event total snowfall potential. In addition, a relationship is demonstrated between temporal trends associated with one of the ingredients (saturated, geostrophic equivalent potential vorticity) and event total snowfall.Correlations between forecast values of these ingredients and observed snowfall are shown to decrease substantially as forecast lead time increases beyond 12 h. It is hypothesized that model forecast positioning and timing errors are primarily responsible for the lower correlations associated with longer-lead forecasts. This finding implies that the best forecasts beyond 12 h may be produced by examining the diagnostics of heavy snow ingredients from a single, high-resolution model to determine snowfall potential, then using ensemble forecasting approaches to determine the most probable location and timing of any heavy snow.