Robert chairman
~~~ ~lary
Gord6n------al11a---~-The BoeQ~ 9£ Ba~_ic_ Concepts (BTBC) is designed to assess children ' s mastery of concep ts considered necessary for acad emic achi e ·v· erne nt during the first years of school (Boehm, 1971) . Althouqh the BTBC was normed for kindergart en through seconei g rade children on a group administration basis , th e author suggests that the test can be administered to pre-kindergarten children on an individual basis . Th e BTB C ' s us e with pre-kindergarten children has been researched , but it has not been determined wh ethe r pre -ki ndergarteners ' performance on th e BTBC will vary with respect t o socioeconomic status (S ES ). The results of the study suggest that while the high SES subjects are representative, and the low SES subjects may be representative, the middle SES subjects probably are not a representative sample. The results also suggest that children may earn higher scores on the BTBC when it is administered on an individual basis, and that preschool attendance may increase children's performance on the BTBC.