The purpose of this research is to improve the system of water resources management and operation of water facilities, reduce the energy consumption of irrigation pumping stations, which is one of the urgent modern problems in the Republics of Central Asia. The authors decide on the choice of such a set of subsystems and elements from the universal set, in which the value of the design parameters is provided with minimal costs. The recommendations developed by the authors use methods for monitoring the energy efficiency of hydraulic systems and are aimed at reducing electricity consumption, primarily through effective methods for regulating the operation of pumping stations. The main feature of assessing the technical condition of the units of pumping stations is the use of diagnostics of the dynamic level of elements of hydraulic units during operation. Monitoring of operating parameters of pumping stations was carried out on two pilot canals according to special tables of basic parameters. As an optimality criterion, options are accepted that differ in terms of reconstruction, duration of development of the capacity of electrical networks, interface structures of pumping stations, taking into account the time factor. By carrying out these activities, the water supply of the irrigation array will increase and crop yields will increase. After analyzing the data obtained, it will be possible to make a decision on the further use or modernization of the units of pumping units and structures. At the same time, the conditions for energy efficiency and reliability of the operation of the PS will improve.