After nearly a billion years with no evidence for glaciation, ice advanced to equatorial latitudes at least twice between 717 and 635 Mya. Although the initiation mechanism of these Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth events has remained a mystery, the broad synchronicity of rifting of the supercontinent Rodinia, the emplacement of large igneous provinces at low latitude, and the onset of the Sturtian glaciation has suggested a tectonic forcing. We present unique Re-Os geochronology and high-resolution Os and Sr isotope profiles bracketing Sturtian-age glacial deposits of the Rapitan Group in northwest Canada. Coupled with existing U-Pb dates, the postglacial Re-Os date of 662.4 ± 3.9 Mya represents direct geochronological constraints for both the onset and demise of a Cryogenian glaciation from the same continental margin and suggests a 55-My duration of the Sturtian glacial epoch. The Os and Sr isotope data allow us to assess the relative weathering input of old radiogenic crust and more juvenile, mantle-derived substrate. The preglacial isotopic signals are consistent with an enhanced contribution of juvenile material to the oceans and glacial initiation through enhanced global weatherability. In contrast, postglacial strata feature radiogenic Os and Sr isotope compositions indicative of extensive glacial scouring of the continents and intense silicate weathering in a post-Snowball Earth hothouse.rhenium-osmium geochronology | strontium isotopes | osmium isotopes | Windermere Supergroup | Neoproterozoic glaciation T he Snowball Earth hypothesis predicts that Neoproterozoic glaciations were global and synchronous at low latitudes and that deglaciation occurred as a result of the buildup of pCO 2 to extreme levels resulting in a "greenhouse" aftermath (1, 2). The temporal framework of Cryogenian glaciations is built on chemostratigraphy and correlation of lithologically distinct units, such as glaciogenic deposits, iron formation, and cap carbonates (3), tied to the few successions that contain volcanic rocks dated using U-Pb zircon geochronology (4). In strata lacking horizons suitable for U-Pb geochronology, Re-Os geochronology can provide depositional ages on organic-rich sedimentary rocks bracketing glaciogenic strata (5, 6). Moreover, Os isotope stratigraphy can be used as a proxy to test for supergreenhouse weathering during deglaciation (7). In a Snowball Earth scenario, we can make specific predictions for Cryogenian weathering: CO 2 consumption via silicate weathering should increase before glaciation, stagnate during the glaciation, and increase again during deglaciation. However, the use of a single weathering proxy to provide evidence for such a scenario, such as Sr isotopes from marine carbonates, is limited both by lithological constraints and an inability to distinguish between the amount of weathering and the composition of what is being weathered (8). The short residence time of Os in the present-day oceans (<10 ky) (9) provides a complementary higher resolution archive to Sr isotopes, and thus, insi...